
Science Tools for kids

Does a scientist use tools? Yes! Scientists use tools to explore the world around them. Whether observing the stars with binoculars, measuring the weather, or studying life in a drop of water, science tools are essential for making discoveries and setting up simple science experiments!

Using Scientific Tools

Science is all about asking questions and exploring the world! Different types of scientists use various tools in their labs to measure, observe, and experiment to find answers to their questions.

💡 With these tools, young scientists can explore everything from biology and chemistry to physics and earth science. Through hands-on experiments and lessons, kids can dive into exciting exploration while learning about the world around them.

Recommended Grade Levels: This list of favorite science tools is perfect for elementary school students from kindergarten to 5th grade (even middle school). It’s a great introduction to simple, more advanced science equipment that kids can use safely. See Pre-K recommendations below.

Favorite Science Tools 

Go ahead and assemble a science kit with some of these tools! Add them to a science center with a specific theme or leave a few loose, such as a magnifying glass, for any observation time.

💡 Make sure to learn about the scientific method and variables to expand on your activities.

  • Test Tubes: Small glass containers used to hold liquids during experiments, especially in chemistry.
  • Microscope: A tool that helps you see things too tiny for the naked eye, like plant cells or water droplets—perfect for biology!
  • Beaker: A container used to mix or heat liquids during science activities.
  • Dropper: A tool for transferring small amounts of liquid, great for careful measurements.
  • Thermometer: Measures temperature, whether it is how hot the sun is or how cold ice is.
  • Magnet: Used to explore magnetism and how it interacts with different materials.
  • Scale: Helps weigh objects or measure how heavy things are, like rocks or fruits.
  • Petri Dish: A small dish that grows tiny organisms like mold or bacteria.
  • Goggles: Protects your eyes during experiments—safety first!
  • Ruler: Measures lengths and distances, perfect for comparing plant growth or measuring objects.
  • Magnifying Glass: A classic tool for scientists to observe small details up close, like the veins on a leaf or the texture of a rock.
  • Stopwatch: Times your experiments, great for activities that involve observing changes over time.
  • Molecule Model: Helps students understand what molecules look like and how different atoms connect to form compounds.
  • Binoculars: A tool that helps you see things far away, great for outdoor exploration of animals or nature.

Hands-On Science Experiment Suggestions for Older Kids

Now that you know some essential science tools, let’s experiment! Here are some fun and simple science experiments you can do with these tools in a science lab.

Water Drop Microscope (Grades 2-5) Use a microscope to examine drops of pond water. What tiny organisms can you spot?
Science Tool: Microscope, Petri Dish
Ice Melting Experiment (Grades K-2) Measure how fast different materials (salt, sugar, sand) melt ice. Record your results using a thermometer and a stopwatch.
Science Tools: Thermometer, Stopwatch
Magnet Maze (Grades 3-5): Use a magnet to guide a small metal object through a paper maze. Explore how magnets attract particular objects. Construct a maze using straws, cardboard, and other materials as obstacles or follow lines drawn on paper.
Science Tool: Magnet, Ruler
Temperature Challenge (Grades 1-3) Use a thermometer to compare temperatures in different parts of your home or classroom. Find the warmest and coldest spots! Try our seasonal temperature challenge.
Science Tools: Thermometer, Ruler
Weight of Different Fruits (Grades 2-4) Weigh different fruits or vegetables on a scale. Which one is heaviest? Which one is the lightest? Predict before measuring!
Science Tools: Scale, Beaker
Mixing Liquids Experiment (Grades K-3): Use test tubes and droppers to mix water with liquids like oil, dish soap, or vinegar. Observe what happens to the liquids! Explore density!
Science Tools: Test Tubes, Dropper
Plant Growth Observation (Grades K-5): Use a ruler to measure how much a plant grows over time. Record your measurements in a science journal.
Science Tools: Ruler, Test Tube (for watering)
Molecule Models (Grades 3-5) Create models of different molecules using modeling clay or small balls to represent atoms. Use your molecule models to explain how atoms form compounds. Make this Atom Model.
Science Tool: Molecule Model

Special Tools for Preschool Science

Preschoolers love hands-on exploration, and while they may not need advanced tools, there are special science tools designed just for little hands to spark their curiosity.

  • Plastic Magnifying Glass: A simple, child-safe tool that lets young scientists get an up-close look at bugs, leaves, and rocks.
  • Kid-Sized Tweezers: These are perfect for small hands to pick up objects like seeds, pebbles, or tiny insects for observation.
  • Sensory Bottles: Sealed plastic bottles filled with water, glitter, beads, and other objects, allowing preschoolers to observe movement, color, and floatation mess-free.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Great for water play, sand exploration, or simple science experiments where preschoolers can measure, pour, and compare quantities.
  • Color-mixing droppers: These droppers, filled with safe, colored water, help kids explore the concepts of color mixing and observation.
  • Binoculars: Lightweight and easy-to-use preschool binoculars allow kids to explore the outdoors and observe birds or clouds at a distance.
  • Simple Thermometer: A color-changing or easy-to-read thermometer can help preschoolers understand hot and cold concepts in weather or water play.
  • Observation Jars: Clear plastic jars with magnifying lids allow young kids to observe small objects they collect during outdoor exploration safely.

Hands-On Experiment Ideas for Preschoolers:

Color Mixing: (Ages 3-5) Use color-mixing droppers with water to blend primary colors and see what new colors appear! Science Tools: Color Mixing Droppers, Measuring Cups

Nature Observation: (Ages 4-5) Collect small nature items in observation jars or use a plastic magnifying glass to observe them up close. Kids can describe what they see.

Science Tools: Plastic Magnifying Glass, Observation Jar

Sink or Float: (Ages 3-5) Use measuring cups and different objects (like stones, leaves, or plastic toys) to explore what sinks and what floats in water.

Science Tools: Measuring Cups, Sensory Bottle

Outdoor Bird Watching: (Ages 3-5) Head outdoors with binoculars and observe birds or clouds. Kids can point out shapes, colors, and movements. Make a bird feeder and print our mini bird pack to get started.

Science Tools: Binoculars, Kid-Sized Tweezers (for collecting leaves or other small objects)

Magnetic Treasure Hunt: (Ages 3-5) Hide small magnetic objects (like paperclips or coins) in a sandbox or sensory bin. Let the children use magnets to “hunt” and pull the treasures out of the sand! Science Tools: Magnet, Kid-Sized Tweezers


Science Vocabulary Article

It’s never too early to introduce excellent science vocabulary words to kiddos of all ages. Don’t underestimate the power of a young mind! You’re going to want to incorporate these simple science terms into your next science lesson! Let’s think and talk like a scientist!


Experiment like a scientist, talk like a scientist, and write like a scientist. No science vocabulary word is too big or too small; try them all!

You will be amazed at how quickly kiddos will pick up on and use these science terms once you start incorporating them into your science activities, demonstrations, and experiments.


ACIDS and BASES:  An acid is any substance that increases the concentration of the hydrogen (H +) ions when it dissolves in water. A base is any substance that increases the concentration of the hydroxide (OH-) ions.

Both acids and bases can be weak. Many fruit juices, such as cranberry, apple, and orange juices, have weak acids that taste sour. Vinegar is a slightly stronger acid.

Acids and bases are vital if they release many ions in water. Bases are usually slippery or bitter-tasting. Many vegetables have weak bases. A stronger base would be household ammonia.

Pure water is neither an acid nor a base. Scientists measure the strength of an acid or base using a scale called pH. Distilled water has a pH of 7. Acids have a lower pH, and bases have a higher pH. 

ATOMS:  Atoms are the most minor units of an identifiable pure substance or a substance known as an element. Everything is made up of atoms.

Imagine you kept making an iron bar smaller and smaller until it was the size of a grain of sand. Well, an atom is much smaller than that, so we can’t see it even with a magnifying glass!

If you break up an atom and make the pieces smaller, the pieces cannot be identified as a substance or element. For example, you cannot have a piece of an Iron or Gold atom smaller than the atom and still call it Iron or Gold.

BUOYANCY: The ability of fluids to exert an upward force on the objects immersed in them.

CAPILLARY ACTION: The ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the help of an outside force, like gravity.

Capillary action occurs because of several forces. These include the forces of adhesion (water molecules are attracted and stick to other substances), cohesion, and surface tension (water molecules like to stay close together).

Plants and trees couldn’t survive without capillary action. Think about how tall trees can move a lot of water so far up to their leaves without a pump of any kind.

CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2):  A colorless gas made up of molecules of one carbon atom joined with two oxygen atoms. It occurs naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and use it with energy from the sun to make food. We breathe out more carbon dioxide than we breathe in because our bodies release it when we use food for our energy. This is called the carbon cycle.

CHEMICAL REACTION: A chemical reaction is a process in which two or more substances form a new chemical substance. This might look like a gas formed, cooking or baking, or milk souring.

Some chemical reactions require energy to start, in the form of heat, while others produce heat when the substances react with each other.

Chemical reactions take place all around us. Cooking food is an example of a chemical reaction. Burning a candle is another example. 

COHESION:  The “stickiness” of like molecules to one another. The cohesive attractive force between like molecules causes it.

Water forms drops because of its cohesion. Because water molecules are more strongly attracted to each other than to other molecules, they form droplets on surfaces (e.g., dew drops) and form a dome when filling a container before spilling over the sides.

DATA: A collection of information useful for analyzing and interpreting to answer scientific questions.

DENSITY:  The compactness of stuff in space or the amount of material in a set size. Denser materials of the same size are heavier because more material is in the same size space.

Density refers to a substance’s mass (the amount of matter in the substance) compared to its volume (how much space a substance takes up). For example, a block of lead will weigh much more than an equal volume of wood, which means that the lead is denser than wood.

DISSOLVE:  To cause a solid or a gas (the solute) to pass into a liquid and form a solution. For example, sugar dissolves in water to form a sugar solution. Soda water is an example of a gas (carbon dioxide) dissolved in water.

When a solution forms the two substances stay the same without a chemical reaction. This is why if you dissolve sugar or salt in a glass of water and let the water dry out or evaporate, the salt or sugar will be left behind in the glass.

EMULSIFICATION: A process by which two liquids, that can’t dissolve in each other, are forced to combine in a liquid mixture (emulsion). Salad dressing is an emulsion of oil and vinegar.

EXPERIMENT: A test or investigation done under controlled conditions to discover something.

FATS:  Nutrients in food that are made up of unique carbon and, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The body uses fats, which are very important to build nerve tissue (including the brain and nerves) and hormones. The body also uses fat as fuel. The extra fat that you eat can be stored in the body below the skin.

Fat has more energy in it than other foods. This is why the body uses fat to store food energy. Too much fat is bad for your health.

There are many types of fats. Oils such as olive oil and vegetable oil are fast. The fats we see in meat are made up of many different types. Some fats, like oils, are liquids, and others, such as the fat we see in meat, are solid at room temperature.

FLOAT:  To rest on top of a liquid. More solid items have molecules that are packed tighter together and will sink. Less solid items are made up of molecules that are not as tightly packed together and will float! If the object is denser than water, it will sink. If it’s less dense, it will float!

FRICTION: A force that acts when two objects are in contact with each other. It slows or stops movement when those two surfaces are sliding or trying to slide across each other. Friction can occur between objects – solids, liquids, and gases.

GAS:  One of the three states of matter, solid and liquid. In a gas, the particles move freely from one another. You can also say they vibrate! Gas particles spread out to take the shape of the container they are put in. Steam or water vapor is an example of a gas.

GRAVITY:  A pulling force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. Gravity is what keeps all the planets in orbit around the sun. The force of gravity keeps us close to the ground.

Our moon has less gravity than the Earth because it is smaller. If you went to the moon, you could jump about six times higher than on the Earth. That means if you can jump one foot off the ground now, you could jump 6 feet high on the moon because the moon has less force pulling you down.

KINETIC ENERGY:  The energy an object has due to its motion. The faster or heavier a moving object is, the more kinetic energy it has.

A cannonball moving at the same speed as a tennis ball has more kinetic energy because it has more mass (weight).

A golf ball going 100 miles an hour has more kinetic energy than a tennis ball slowly rolling down the floor because the speed of the ball also gives it more kinetic energy.

LEVER:  A long, sturdy body that rests on a support called a fulcrum. A lever can be used to move things. A see-saw is a lever that rests on a fulcrum in the middle.

LIQUID:  One of the three states of matter, solid, and gas. In a liquid, the particles have some space between them with no pattern, and so they are not in a fixed position. A liquid has no distinct shape but will take the shape of a container it is put into. Water is an example of a liquid.

MAGNET: A magnet is a rock or a piece of metal that can pull specific types of metal toward itself. The force of magnets, called magnetism, is a force like electricity and gravity.

Magnetism works over a distance. This means a magnet does not have to touch an object to pull it. 

MASS:  The amount of matter in a substance. The amount of mass in a set area is called density.

MATTER:  Any object that takes up space and has mass.

MINERALS:  Solid substances that occur naturally. They do not come from animals, plants, or other living organisms.

MIXTURE:  A material made up of two or more substances mixed. No chemical reaction occurs, and you can separate the substances in the mixture. Producing a mixture of liquids, solids, or gases is possible.

MOLECULES: The smallest unit of a substance called a compound that has all the properties of that substance. Molecules are made of at least 2 atoms joined together.

MOTION:  The act of changing location from one place to another. The opposite of motion is rest.

NITROGEN: A chemical element that makes up a significant part of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is a colorless, odorless gas essential for life as it is a key component of proteins, DNA, and other organic molecules.

NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID:  A fluid whose viscosity changes with the force applied. The fluid gets thicker depending on how it moves or is pressed on. It can be picked up like a solid but also flow like a liquid. Slime is an example of a non-Newtonian fluid.

OBSERVATION: Noticing what’s happening through our senses or with tools like a magnifying glass. Observation is used to collect and record data, which enables scientists to construct and then test hypotheses and theories.

POLYMER: Something made of very big molecules of the same type. Often, many smaller molecules are layered together in a repeating pattern. Many plastics are polymers. Silk and wool are also polymers.

Polymers can be hard or flexible, depending upon how the molecules are arranged. The word “poly” means many. Making slime is a great way to explore polymers.

POTENTIAL ENERGY: An object’s stored energy because of its position or state. Objects that are sitting in one place have potential energy.

A ball up high on a shelf has potential energy because if you push it off the shelf, it will fall. A falling ball has kinetic energy.

Water in a closed dam on a lake or river has potential energy because it is not moving past the dam. When the water is released, the stored or potential energy can be used to power machines or even turn a machine to make electricity.

PREDICTION: A guess at what might happen in an experiment based on observation or other information.

PROTEIN:  A molecule in food. Protein is a nutrient found in food (such as meat, milk, eggs, and beans) made up of many smaller molecules called amino acids. These amino acids are joined in different patterns to make many proteins.

Protein is a necessary part of the diet for normal cell structure and function. It is best to have protein for your muscles, bones, and teeth to grow normally.

There are many different proteins, but once they are in your body, they all turn back into the amino acids that make your body strong. Egg whites are made of a protein called albumin, and milk has a protein called casein.

REST: Scientists use the word “rest” to mean when something is not moving. The opposite of “rest” is motion.

SINK:  To fall below the surface of a liquid. The opposite of float.

SOLID:  One of the three states of matter, the others are liquid and gas. A solid has tightly packed particles in a specific pattern, which cannot move about. You will notice a solid keeps its shape. Ice or frozen water is an example of a solid.

SOLUTION:  A specific type of mixture where one substance (solute) is dissolved into another (solvent). In a solution, the ingredients mix. When a solution forms, the two substances stay the same without a chemical reaction.

This is why if you dissolve sugar or salt in a glass of water and let the water dry out or evaporate, the salt or sugar will remain in the glass.

STRATIFICATION:  The arrangement of something into different groups.

SURFACE TENSION:  A force that exists on water’s surface because water molecules like to stick to each other. This force is so strong that it can help things sit on top of the water instead of sinking into it.

Water’s high surface tension allows a paper clip, with much higher density, to float on water. It also causes drops of rain to stick to windows, which is why bubbles are round.

VARIABLE:  A factor that can be changed in a science experiment. Three types of variables are independent, dependent, and controlled.

The independent variable is changed in the experiment and will affect the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the factor observed or measured in the experiment. 

The controlled variable stays constant in the experiment. Experiments are repeated several times to determine how a change in the independent variable affects the results.

VISCOSITY:  How thick a fluid is. A liquid with high viscosity – that is thick, like molasses- will flow very slowly. Like water, a liquid with low viscosity or that’s thin will flow quickly.


8 Best Science Practices Article

Another use of the scientific method can be seen here, along with the best science and engineering practices, which are a little less linear. Why don’t we dive in and take a look at the 8 science and engineering practices and examples of them?


The word “science” comes from the Latin word “knowledge”. So science is all about gaining knowledge about the world around us. But how do scientists come up with that knowledge? In a systematic way that involves lots of observation and experimentation!

The best science and engineering practices below are behaviors that kids can demonstrate as they develop an understanding of science topics and concepts.

They may look less structured than the traditional scientific method, and allow for a more freeflowing approach to problem-solving and finding answers to questions. However, these skills are critical to developing future engineers, inventors, and scientists!

It is essential to allow kids to use the practices with whatever they are learning. This process will encourage the use of higher-order thinking skills for creating, evaluating, and analyzing.

As kids develop the practices of questioning, gathering data, analyzing, and communicating, they can apply these critical thinking skills to any situation. Now that’s a winner!

* Note: You might be familiar with the more traditional scientific method, which includes some similar practices but in a linear format. These steps include asking questions, developing a hypothesis, conducting research, doing experiments and tests, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.



Asking questions is an integral part of discovering and learning new things. In science, good questions help scientists discover more about the world and how it works.

Asking questions is a fundamental skill for kids to develop. When kids are curious about something, they ask questions. Introduce kids to science activities and themed science centers, and even go out into nature to stir curiosity about the world around them.

Teach kids to ask scientific questions. Scientific questions are defined, can be tested, and can be answered using data. Show kids how to develop good scientific questions by brainstorming possible questions and eliminating any that are too broad and can’t be tested.

The practice of asking questions can be informal, such as in class or small group discussions, or formal, such as written questions. See our questions for reflection.


Kids might think of models as smaller copies of real cars or planes. In science and engineering, models represent ideas, events, or processes.

Models can help explain complex ideas more simply. They are based on observations and current explanations about how things work. But because they are simplified, they can’t represent every detail. Good models can be tested and redesigned and used to improve predictions.

Maps, drawings, diagrams, 3-D structures, and physical models are examples of models kids may use to develop understanding.


Kids can practice planning and carrying out investigations with hands-on science activities that answer a question or test the solution to a problem. A simple plan may include a list of materials needed and the steps to be taken.

A more involved investigation will include identifying relevant variables and considering how they might be observed, measured, and controlled. Kids will need to think about how they will collect and record the data and the time frame needed for the investigation.

💡 Observation is a powerful science tool! Kids are naturally observant!


Data are the observations and measurements that you collect to answer a question. Before they can be useful, though, data needs to be analyzed and interpreted. Data can be organized with tables, graphs, and other means to help reveal patterns or relationships.

When kids examine the data they have collected, they need to identify anything significant and anything that may be an error. Interpretations of the data are not facts or personal opinions but suggestions about what they mean.


Kids need to understand how math and computer programs are connected to observations, experiences, and ideas about the world around them. This begins with an awareness of mathematics in science.

Using math and computational thinking for kids can be as simple as recognizing and describing the number patterns they see around them. They can describe, measure, and compare quantities and record them in a graph. Then, they can use quantities such as area, volume, weight, and time to answer scientific and engineering questions and problems.


You want kids to be able to form their explanations rather than just having the science content explained to them. Explanations can be communicated using words, pictures, and numbers; this will take lots of practice for many kids.

Teach kids how to construct explanations in science by getting them to write down what they are thinking. Start with a sentence about what they think the answer is. Then, state the evidence, which is exactly what they observed. Finish with the “because,” which is the scientific principles they have been learning about.


Engaging in arguments is important for kids because it makes explanations or solutions much clearer. It also helps kids learn to differentiate between evidence and opinion and receive and respond to feedback from others.

Often, this process starts with a question, which may have multiple potential answers. Why do you think this is happening? Those possible answers are known as claims. The evidence comes in the form of observations or data, and kids need to work through the evidence that supports the different claims.


Scientists and engineers must be able to gather information and communicate their findings. Scientific literacy for kids includes finding out, evaluating, and communicating scientific information. Information can be gathered from age-appropriate texts like teacher-recommended STEM, engineering, or science books, videos, and media.

Communicating information can happen in multiple ways. Kids could use words, diagrams, graphs, images, models, interactive displays, discussions, or oral presentations. Provide lots of opportunities for kids to talk about their learning and present their findings differently!



It is never too early to introduce some fantastic science words to kids. Get them started with a printable science vocabulary word list. You’re going to want to incorporate these simple science terms into your next science lesson!


Think like a scientist! Act like a scientist! Scientists like you and me are also curious about the world around them. Learn about the different types of scientists and what they do to increase their understanding of their specific areas of interest. What Is A Scientist


Sometimes, the best way to introduce science concepts is through a colorfully illustrated book with characters your kids can relate to! Check out this fantastic list of teacher-approved science books, and get ready to spark curiosity and exploration!

Check out our recommended book lists:


Material Properties Activities

Ever wonder why a sponge soaks up water or why metal feels cold to the touch? The everyday materials around us behave uniquely because of the materials they’re made from. Let’s explore material properties activities with simple experiments and free worksheets.

Hands-on Science Investigations: Materials
These activities explore how materials can be absorbent, waterproof, strong, soluble, or flexible and how these properties affect their use in construction, design, and everyday objects. Understanding these properties is a key part of learning about earth sciences and how materials, whether natural or man-made, play a role in our environment.

Note: Material properties are also a central topic in Chemistry. However, the focus is more on their molecular structure.

Material Scavenger Hunt: Students search their home or classroom for objects that fit specific material properties, such as absorbency or hardness, and write down what they find next to each property. This adds a layer of practical exploration and connection with everyday objects.
Sugar Cube Absorption Experiment: This experiment tests the absorbency of sugar cubes when exposed to water and various materials, extending the study of absorbency from previous activities.
What Absorbs? Experiment: Use fabric, plastic, and paper towels to test different materials to see which absorb the most water. Have students predict, experiment, and record which material holds the most water. This is an excellent follow-up to the absorbency worksheets.
What Absorbs Heat Better? Experiment: Kids explore how different materials absorb heat at different rates by placing them in sunlight or near a heat source. Materials like metal, plastic, and fabric will warm up at different rates. Students can observe which materials retain the most heat and relate this to everyday uses.

What are Observable Properties?

Observable properties are characteristics of a material or object that can be identified and measured using our senses without needing special tools. These properties help us describe and understand what an object is made of and how it behaves. Some common observable properties include:
  • Color – What color is the material? For example, wood is usually brown, while metal might be shiny or silver.
  • Texture – How does it feel when you touch it? A surface could be smooth like glass, rough like sandpaper, or soft like fabric.
  • Shape – What shape does the material take? Is it round, square, or something else?
  • Size – How big or small is the object or material?
  • Flexibility – Can the material bend without breaking? For example, a rubber band is flexible, while a pencil is not.
  • Hardness – How hard or soft is the material? A rock is hard, while a sponge is soft.
  • Transparency – Can you see through the material? Glass is transparent, but wood is opaque.
  • State of Matter – Is it a solid, liquid, or gas?

Printable Material Properties Activities Include:

Grade Level Recommendation: These activities are ideal for Kindergarten -3rd grade. 
Properties of Materials Chart This worksheet introduces key properties of materials, such as absorbency, flexibility, water resistance, and strength. Students will explore how materials can be categorized based on these characteristics.

Simple Science Experiment. Testing Absorbency Kids test the absorbency of fabric, paper towels, and plastic materials. They predict which material will absorb the most water and record their findings.

What absorbs and what does not? Simple experiment with various materials laid out and water bowl with pipette to test and observe.
Sort the Materials Students sort pictures of different materials based on their properties (e.g., absorbent, waterproof, flexible, rigid).
Match the Property In this activity, students match objects with their correct material property, such as matching a sponge with “absorbent” or a steel beam with “strong.”
What Is It Made Of? Students identify what materials everyday objects are made of and explain why those materials were chosen.
Material Scavenger Hunt Students go on a scavenger hunt to find objects that match different material properties (e.g., absorbent, flexible, hard, smooth, heavy, etc.). They record their findings in a checklist.

Try It: Material Investigation (Paper Towel Test). Students compare different paper towel brands, measuring how much water each absorbs. They record their results and reflect on the effectiveness of each.

Material Properties Crossword: A fun crossword puzzle where students fill in the blanks using material property words such as absorbent, waterproof, and flexible.

Challenge: Design a Waterproof Shelter. Students are challenged to design and build a waterproof shelter for a small object using aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and paper towels. They test the shelter by spraying it with water and reflect on its success.

True or False: Material Properties This activity allows students to identify true or false statements about material properties, such as “Metal is flexible” or “Plastic is strong.”

Free Activity: Material Properties Pack

Use this free materials project pack to learn more about the properties of materials.

More Printable Activity Ideas

  • Natural vs. Man-Made Materials Worksheet: Students sort materials into categories based on whether they are natural (like wood or cotton) or man-made (like plastic or nylon), complementing the scavenger hunt and material sorting activities.
  • Recyclables Activity Pack: What materials can be recycled and what can not? This is a simple but engaging pack for young scientists to explore recyclable materials.